Commercial Direction | Advertising Photography | Production Services

Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics | Broken Woman | Atlanta Music Video Production

Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics | Broken Woman | Music Video

We are so thankful to have the opportunity to collaborate with Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics to create a music video for the first single "Broken Woman" off of their new album "State of All Things".  It is a conceptual story of Broken Woman at a Ruby Velle & the Soulphonics concert and utilizes cinemagraphs to feature her broken-ness.  We were stoked that RV&S bought into our crazy idea, and we are so glad you are checking it out.  Enjoy!

Thank you so much to our team of collaborators!

Ruby Velle & the Soulphonics -
Directed by Jason Hales -
A Juel Concepts & Hales Photo Production
Executive Producer Kristin Juel -
Producer Natalie Hales -
Director of Photography: Josh Fritts -
Editor: Nathan Bach
Broken Woman: Anya Monzikova -
Male Lead: Victor Gonzalez
Bartender: Natalie Hales
Makeup & Hair: Brielle Brenner -
Wardrobe Stylist: Heather Haberkern
Production Assistants: Atalie Bland, Jessica Vass, Kelsi Bland

Below are some behind the scene photos from our time on set with RV&S.